
In the summers I love going to the lake in Maine.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Scratch Name Assignment

      <iframe allowtransparency="true" width="485" height="402" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
    Link to Scratch Page

These are links to get to my scratch name assignment.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Scratch Intro

After creating my first scratch task, I found out that it is a lot more simple than I thought. There is a lot that you can do with backgrounds. They provide many, you can upload your own photos, or make one on your own there is also the option of taking a picture for one. The same options are available for sprites, you can use one provided, upload one, take a picture or make one. During your scratch showing, you can also make characters switch costumes and you can switch the background.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Code Number 7

This is the link to my #7 of the HTML code.
\\studfilesrvr-01.students.rpsdistrict.local\2018\Kayla.Martignetti\10th Grade\Computer Science\6 ttest.html

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

HTML Thanksgiving Website with Pictures

This is the link to my website: \\studfilesrvr-01.students.rpsdistrict.local\2018\Kayla.Martignetti\10th Grade\Computer Science\5 test.html

(This is #6 with photo shopped photos.)

On the first picture, I used the smudging tool to make the middle the focus. I also used a tool called burn tool on the food. I also lightened the photo in some places.

On the second picture, I blurred the background to make sure that the Pilgrims and Native Americans were where everybody would look. I lightened the image a lot as well. I also used the sharpen tool to make the image look more clear.

On the third and fourth images I did similar things,  I used a tool that made it look like it was a painting. Then in both, I blurred certain places like leaves and things like that. Finally I used lightening and darkening tools to alter the shade.